Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Pocket Porfolio

1. Yes because I think there really cool and definatley help you stand out. They are affordable and badass.
2. It helps you stand out and is a great way to give people a quick look at your work.
3. Costs a little more than cards take up a little more space.
4. Yeah he can do what he wants, if he felt like he should keep that secret than sure thats fine he shared the idea of the pocket portfolio which is what counts.
5. The publisher because the writer said that wasn't his headline.
6. Yes people can say what they want but shouldn't be so rude sometimes because anybody can say something mean and hide behind the keyboard of a computer. Just say what you would say if you were face to face with the person.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Spring Break

 10x8 Horizontal
 8x10 Vertical
Cropped to preference

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Slow Sync Flash Photography

1. Use a flash or a slow shutter speed.
2. Flash can make your subject to bright and slow shutter speed caN make motion blur.
3. Slow sync Flash
4. Front sync tells your camera to fire at the beginning of exposure and rear curtain is at the end of the exposure.